波斯胡桃(Juglans regia L.)是用于装饰工业的一种森林物种,需要适当的管理才能生产出经济效益好的高质量原木.由于种间关联和管理......
Plant Phosphorus Uptake in a Soybean-Citrus Intercropping System in the Red Soil Hilly Region of Sou
A field microplot experiment was conducted in the red soil hilly region of South China to evaluate plant phosphorus (P) ......
Plant Phosphorus Uptake in a Soybean-Citrus Intercropping System in the Red Soil Hilly Region of Sou
What is the value of eucalyptus monocultures for the biodiversity of the Atlantic forest? A multitax
Eucalyptus plantations are increasing in Brazil, frequently replacing pastures, but there is still scarce information ab......
Carbon storage in biomass,litter,and soil of different native and introduced fast-growing tree plant
Soil Microbiological and Biochemical Properties as Affected by Different Long-Term Banana-Based Rota
Soil microbiological and biochemical properties under various field crop rotations such as grains, pastures and vegetabl......
The study was to determine the long-term effects of subtropical monoculture and rotational cropping systems and fertiliz......
Field experiments of mixed- (intercropping) and pure-planting (monoculture) of four rice vari-eties, representing improv......
Ecological effects of co-culturing sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) with scallop Chlamy
宁德三都澳海区褐菖鲉(Sebastieus marmoratus Cuvier)经375d不同方式的网箱养殖比较,与大黄鱼混养的褐菖鲉个体平均体重增重量达80.9g......
本试验研究了上海地区低盐度条件下池塘单养和混养对点篮子鱼(Siganus guttatus)幼鱼生长和摄食的影响.平均体重1.14±0.63g、平......
What is the value of eucalyptus monocultures for the biodiversity of the Atlantic forest? A multitax
Eucalyptus plantations are increasing in Brazil, frequently replacing pastures, but there is still scarce information ab......
What is the value of eucalyptus monocultures for the biodiversity of the Atlantic forest? A multitax
Eucalyptus plantations are increasing in Brazil, frequently replacing pastures, but there is still scarce information ab......
Carbon storage in biomass,litter,and soil of different native and introduced fast-growing tree plant
Replantation of degraded forest using rapidgrowth trees can play a significant role in global carbon budget by storing l......
【目的】根据南疆喀什地区早春土壤温度与气温的实测数据,分析杏麦间作与小麦单作模式下24 h的温度变化特征。【方法】以8年生赛买......
<正>A mini-plot field experiment was conducted on a loamy clay Oxisol to compare and evaluate P absorption and transfer ......
Plant Phosphorus Uptake in a Soybean-Citrus Intercropping System in the Red Soil Hilly Region of Sou
A field microplot experiment was conducted in the red soil hilly region of South China to evaluate plant phosphorus (P)u......
Field experiments of mixed- (intercropping) and pure-planting (monoculture) of four rice vari-eties, representing improv......
Allelopathic autotoxicity occurs when a plant releases toxic chemical substances into the environment which inhibits dev......
Nitrogen Use Efficiency under Different Field Treatments on Maize Fields in Central China: A Lysimet
Nitrogen loss from farmland has caused serious problems all over the world. This field study assessed Nitrogen Use Effic......
The results of the long-term investigations in dynamics for study of the conditions of taxonomic groups of microorganism......
Corn and Soybean Rotation under Reduced Tillage Management: Impacts on Soil Properties, Yield, and N
A 4-yr field study was conducted from 2007 to 2010 at Stoneville, MS to examine the effects of rotating corn and soybean......
Avian Community Density and Distribution Patterns among Nicaraguan Conventional and Organic Shade-Co
We used a distance-sampling survey method and multivariate statistics to obtain a unique estimate of bird species densit......
Photosynthetic pigments accumulation and some growth indices of cowpea, maize and tomato in response
This study aimed at investigating the photosynthetic pigment accumulation and some growth indices of cowpea, maize and t......